Sunday, March 1, 2009

All quiet on the western front

Lately I don't have too much to complain about, I see things as going reasonably well.

I have noticed that the Republicans have been trying to assert themselves, though they have no cohesion. They are a cornered dog and are lashing out at those who approach them.

The politics of winning are disabling them now.

The Republican party became an ideological base on social issues, but lost their core values, and are now reaping the benefits of being the party who tries to make us afraid, when we no longer fear.


jk said...

While I've been watching them mill around, trying to find the leader who will save them, and discarding Limbaugh, Steele, and Jindal, I have noticed that Fox News has stayed remarkably faithful to the message - I've heard their talking points from intelligent but frightened people who don't even watch Fox...points like Obama is a failure because he hasn't solved the financial crisis yet, or he's trying to do too much, or he's rewarding bad home buyer behavior or we're racing towards socialism and then Soviet-style Communism.

Don't count them out, even when they look like they're down. They are still getting their message out, and are, as usual, unencumbered by the truth.

herd said...

I ain't counting nothing, I always prefer the devil I know, and this devil...
I don't know.