Thursday, March 19, 2009

Former Bush Aide says Guantanamo detainees innocent (mostly) and that B.A. knew it.

Lawrence B. Wilkerson, a Republican who was chief of staff to former-Secretary of State Colin Powell, told The Associated Press "There are still innocent people there," "Some have been there six or seven years.", talking about Guantanamo.

"Some 800 men have been held at Guantanamo since the prison opened in January 2002, and 240 remain. Wilkerson said two dozen are terrorists, including confessed Sept. 11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was transferred to Guantanamo from CIA custody in September 2006.

"We need to put those people in a high-security prison like the one in Colorado, forget them and throw away the key," Wilkerson said. "We can't try them because we tortured them and didn't keep an evidence trail."

Wilkerson, who flew combat missions as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and left the government in January 2005, said he did not speak out while in government because some of the information was classified. He said he feels compelled to do so now because Cheney has claimed in recent press interviews that President Barack Obama is making the U.S. less safe by reversing Bush administration policies toward terror suspects, including ordering Guantanamo closed.

The administration is now evaluating what to do with the prisoners who remain at the U.S. military base in Cuba.

"I'm very concerned about the kinds of things Cheney is saying to make it seem Obama is a danger to this republic," Wilkerson said. "To have a former vice president fearmongering like this is really, really dangerous.""

Above story is modified, but mainly copy pasted. Read the rest of the story

By ANDREW O. SELSKY, Associated Press Writer

My take on Cheney,

He should shut up, and go fuck himself.

1 comment:

jk said...

My take on Cheney? I'd love to see him modeling the latest in orange jumpsuits, doing the perp walk.

The man is a menace. And a Dick.