Monday, September 29, 2008

North Carolina

According to CNN, it looks like North Carolina may trend Obama!

More later.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The witchcraft deal

Alright, here's the witchcraft video. Now I'm not surprised that Sarah Palin is afraid of witchcraft, hey that's her religion. When you hear people talking about Harry Potter being dangerous for teaching children 'sorcery', they mean it.
Many American Christians are afraid of sorcery, witchcraft, magic, and demons. It is a part of their faith that these things exist. There is religious freedom in this country and they have a right to express those beliefs.

But I can call them crazy.

I have a question.

Sarah Palin, do you believe in witchcraft?
Do you believe that witches are, and or may cause harm to you, or the campaign using magic?
Does she think Wiccans are people to be feared?
Do you think witchcraft should be legal or illegal?

I hope someone else thinks to ask Sarah Palin these questions, I for one would be fascinated to find out her response.

Here's the famous video.

McCain on This Week: Sarah Palin doesn't speak for the McCain campaign

With friends like these, who needs running mates?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Has the McCain Campaign Broken Sarah Palin?

This is the question asked by Palin support site It's snagged from the New Republic's site Here.

Here's the articles from Draft Sarah Palin for Vice President site.

It's like everyone on the right is shell shocked by Palin's apparent collapse. The question of experience is what this is about. What Obama lacks in experience he makes up for with judgement, poise, and strength. He thrives under pressure and trusts his instincts, and his education. Palin apparently wasn't much of a follower of real world national politics at all, and therefore really doesn't know what is even going on now. She is very well versed on issues facing Alaskans, but that's all that is there. She is a one trick pony, and I just hope that personally she will be able to deal, emotionally, with being such a giant embarrassment.

I mean really, it's a whole new level of arrogance. This is the real world, not a Disney movie.

I have to watch those puppies below again now. They are just too cute! I love em.

Obama is gaining momentum

Real Clear Politics is a great place to get breakdowns on polling data.

Real Clear Politics

What I think is particularly telling is if you look at the history of polls going back to January, McCain will occasionally get a bump and take the lead for a few days, but just can't keep it up. Obama consistently polls as the winner. Not that it won't be a close election, but that so far is the over all trend.

The McCain campaign really seems on the verge of total breakdown. His judgement was questioned during the Savings & Loan scandal (Keating 5)back in the day, though he was exonerated of any wrongdoing, and we're seeing the fruits of his judgement again today.

Women against Sarah Palin

Women against Sarah Palin

Pretty self explanatory. I guess Palin is not doing as well with Clinton supporters as McCain hoped.

Story was picked up by the this past tuesday.

Guardian Article

Get out of my city!

Absolutely pathetic.
At least Rudy Giuliani was here on 9/11. That's why I forgave him, a little, using 9/11 as a political tool.
You madam do not get to.

Jack Cafferty slams Sarah Palin!

Doing some math

Obama has got Momentum!!! Yeah baby!

I was just going over the electoral math, and here's what I got.

All based on current polling.

Early results in Virginia are going to be nice.
If Virginia goes Obama it's game over.
Obama doesn't need Ohio, Florida, or Nevada if he clinches Virginia, but a landslide victory would be nice to see for a change.
If Virginia goes McCain, Obama needs Ohio or Florida, but not Both.
Nevada doesn't really help anyone, but to lose it would hurt.

Polling in Virginia is tight, having Obama up by %1.8

I'll be watching Virginia this November. It could be the whole election.

Nothing cuter!

But I wouldn't vote for them for President.

The pain

Paul Newman Dies

Very sorry to see a great man go. Paul Newman was an astonishingly giving man and the world is a far better place for having him here.
Thank you for all your hard work and generosity of spirit.
You'll be missed.

My God

Friday, September 26, 2008


Good job to both candidates, mostly the voters win.
McCain saved his ruined week, and Obama stood his ground on foreign policy.
I'm an Obama supporter, and I think he achieved his campaign goals for the debate while McCain seemed to just be trying to maintain without any gaffes, so I'm calling it for Obama.

However, a very interesting tidbit was in the post game. I switched to NBC and caught Senator Biden's post game, and right after, Brian Williams mentioned how although Governor Palin was invited, she declined to be interviewed. Maybe she had to stay in and study for next week.

Oh, now Biden's on CNN. Oooooh, don't hold your breath. Palin gets smacked down by Anderson Cooper. Ouch. She ran away from CNN too!

Man, it must suck to have chosen a VP candidate who's scared to talk to reporters. I've shown some poor judgement in the past, but then again I've never asked anyone to vote for me for President.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sarah Palin

Ok, I have to put out my thoughts on Sarah Palin.

Well, we all now know the resume.

"She was on the Wasilla, Alaska, city council from 1992 to 1996 and mayor from 1996 to 2002. After an unsuccessful campaign for lieutenant governor of Alaska in 2002, she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004. She was elected governor of Alaska in November 2006""
*stolen from Wiki article for ease

As a side note, the majority of the experience was as mayor. Wasilla AK according to the 2000 census had a population of just over 5000. Building managers in skyscrapers are responsible for more people than that. Maybe she should run for building manager to fluff her resume.

Here's something not enough people have seen.

The question that we have to ask is; If Palin were running for President, would you vote for her?
What if the race was:
Obama v Palin
Biden v Palin
Clinton v Palin
Hilton v Palin
McCain v Palin

I understand that there is a lack of able bodied Republicans these days, but her resume and public statement (have there been more than 1 yet? *jk) show less about her, and more about McCains judgement. He let the people who he's supposedly been fighting in his own party decide his VP pick, meekly accepting their demands and selling his soul for the votes of his "base".
He would be the oldest President this country has ever seen, yet doesn't care that not only could Sarah Palin become the President in case of something happening to him, but she has already been catapulted to the Republican Party Leadership. She is now and forever a Republican national figure and de facto party elder. A player now. A candidate tomorrow.

This is not a Maverick move, it's a desperate duct tape move by a man who can't stand up to those he is supposed to lead. Well, if Medvedev gets tough in negotiations, he could always send in Palin. She was his neighbor.


Here we go