Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Crimes of the Bush Administration
1. Warrantless Wiretapping Program
2. Outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame
3. War Crimes committed by direct order in Iraq (possibly also Afghanistan)
4. Destruction of CIA tapes of interrogations
5. Rendition program
6. US Attorney firings
Still working on above, but I'm limiting the list to actual crimes, not just crimes against conscience.
Here's a good list for those
Warrantless Wiretapping Updates
The Rachel Maddow show has aired an interview with NSA whistleblower Thomas M. Tamm, who blew the whistle on NSA's warrantless wiretapping program.
Here's the interview:
Here's a primer from the EFF on the FISA law which was considered too restrictive by Bush Administration officials.
FISA Primer
Here's the text of the Fourth Amendment.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The NSA was searching and seizing millions and hundreds of millions of personal calls and records of American citizens, under the code name "Stellar Wind". The FISA court allows retroactive warrants, allowing for the immediacy the Bush Administration was claiming it needed and which had caused them to bypass the laws of our nation. When reading the text above, I wonder if perhaps BAOfficials believe that because they did not get warrants, they did not need probable cause as described above. My God.
Here's a link to the EFF's efforts regarding the NSA's WWProgram. The EFF are currently engaged in two lawsuits, one against the government specifically citing those responsible for the WWP, the other against AT&T. Support the EFF, they are doing great work.
Here's an old article from SFChronicle about the WWP being declared UnConstitutional.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
President-Elect Obama!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Gallup final estimate puts Obama at 55%, McCain 44%
After all of this years votes have been cast, I just wanted to say how grateful I am to be able to see this contest. It has been an historic fight, from before the first primaries to today. It has been plain exciting to watch, and we have even gotten to see policy debate creep into the Presidential race. Yes, there was personal political usual-ness, but over all I would rate this election as the best I've ever seen. Of course the end result is what matters, and I am confident that my guy will win, but I don't want to put the cart before the horse, I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on how engaging this contest has been.
Of course not everyone agrees with me. Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard writes a story that to me sounds like a downcast kid kicking a rock in the road. Maybe that's what it's like to lose an election, but I don't really remember being that involved in an election with a clear victory. The 2000 election was my first real entry into involvement in politics. When that election didn't end, there wasn't a way to feel one way or the other, besides cheated. The thing that I look forward to this year most of all is a landslide, an uncontestable outcome, a clear answer. In this post-modern world that seems to be the hardest thing to find.
One thing in particular that I am especially enjoying are the people that I talk to who normally have no interest in politics who are engaged and excited, some of whom had never voted before and are looking forward to casting their ballots on Tuesday. I think of my friend who could have voted in the last 2 elections, but didn't, who this week sent her son to school in an Obama t-shirt. This will be her first voting experience. I'm proud of her.
Now as far as voting goes. Don't wear t-shirts or buttons from any campaign, bring your wallet (depending on where you're voting you may need id), and read the instructions carefully before casting your ballot. If you make a mistake, tell the poll worker, as usually they will allow you to fix the mistake in some way. Good luck!
On election night there are some key things to consider. The first polls close at 6 p.m. EST in Indiana, and though I predict Indy to go for McCain, it is tight enough that Obama could squeak out a victory. McCain is only up by a point in polling, so anything could happen. If Obama wins Indiana, you don't even need to watch the rest.
The real anchor of this election will be Virginia. I have been saying this for weeks, but watch Virginia. The beautiful thing being that polls close in Virginia at 7 p.m. EST. If Obama takes Virginia, McCain MUST win PA, OH, IN, WV, MO, NC, and FL, to take 268 electoral votes, which still is not enough for a win. The good thing (or bad thing by pov) is of course that in many of those states Obama leads by a wide margin.
So go, vote early, vote often, and be proud of yourselves. You've all done very well.
Coal and the future of American energy policy and consumption
I could go on, but just feel like shaking my head, which I will go and do now.
Unfortunately for McCain, this is all the political equivalent of the following movie.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Joe Trippi is getting his ideas from me
Joe, welcome to the party!
I have to say I just thought that was pretty cool.
I had him beat by 25 days though! Let's just hope we're right Joe!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Joe Biden was on the offensive talking about more nasty McCain camp tactics. Automated calls desperately trying to play on American's fears of terrorism.
Well, I've got something to say to the Republicans. I am an American, and I know the threat of terrorism, and I am not afraid. I live in a post 9/11 world, and I am not afraid. I watched the towers fall from a few short miles away, and I am not afraid. I smelled the burning city for weeks afterwards, and I am not afraid.I gave blood and money to help those who needed it more than I, and I am not afraid. I watched my father run to help the living, and to help with the dead, and I am not afraid. I comforted my nephew when he asked me if terrorists were going to come and get him at school, and I am not afraid. I know that we could be attacked at any moment, and still I am not afraid. I refuse to cower and beg for protection at the price of my own liberty, for I am not afraid. I am a New Yorker, an American, and I am not afraid.
Sarah Palin was out talking about the "real America" and how the best of America is in the small rural towns. Bullshit. She is saying that in a desperate plea to solidify her cracked shaking base.
The fact is that ALL Americans are our best. The small towns, the endless suburbs, the cities, this disparity and variety available to Americans is the result of our hard work and freedom of choice. Some want this and some want that. All of us are simply trying to do our best. I am getting really tired of being told that I am less American because I am from New York. Well I am from New York, and we here welcome everyone. We are also the ones who were attacked, and who are most likely to be attacked again. Sarah Palin did not seem to mind coming to New York to try to get photo ops with our Fire Fighters, she doesn't mind coming when she's trying to court the "liberal media". She uses us, our resources, our tragedies, and then goes around bashing us because we see through her charade, and because it will win her points with "real America".
I have to say that I have more faith in "real America" than she does. I think all Americans will see through the Republican tactic of division. I don't think that middle America thinks they are better than New Yorkers. I think America knows that a nation united is what we have, no matter how long our government may say that we are not. We all have skin in the game, and it does America a disservice to try to separate us for cheap personal political points in a race she's going to lose anyway.
Also, just wanted to note that even I didn't see this coming, but West Virginia may very well be a contest. I thought Missouri might be the end of the road, but recent polling puts WV very close. If McCain keeps wasting his money in Pennsylvania, where he is 15 or more points behind, this will just be a blowout.
John Cleese on Sarah Palin
Violence at Palin Rally
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Gallup Daily puts Obama ahead by 11
Polling data was taken just before Tuesdays debate.
The campaign is getting ugly however, with personal attack ads on the rise, and apparently McCain doesn't feel compelled to argue with his own supporters assertion that Barack Obama is a 'terrorist'. Well, I guess if he kinda looks like one...
Pardon me whilst I repaint my wall with today's lunch.
Tuesdays debate did not seem to have any effect at all. We'll see what happens on Thursday.
Apparently McCain is being chided for pirating music. The Foo Fighters weren't very happy with McCains use of the song My Hero. Just for fun. ;)
We are having issues regarding ACORN in Missouri. If this is true I'm not a happy man. Fight as hard as you want, but don't mess with the validity of peoples votes. That really pisses me off. It does no one any good. Officials are looking into it, so if there's something there, I hope they find it. If not, I hope they say that too.
Alright. Some more just for fun. Apparently some other people besides myself (an avid West Wing 0 phile) have noticed some odd connections between the elections in 2008, and on the show. Here's the story. The democrat won the WW election ;) Just for fun.
Monday, October 6, 2008
A flailing and desperate campaign
As an Obama supporter, I am glad to see these 'truthi-' personal attacks, because it is evidence that the McCranky camp knows just how bad things are for them. They know that they cannot win this election at this point, and are throwing out desperate attempts to even seem relevant at all.
What McCain doesn't seem to understand is that the campaign ended weeks ago, when Sarah Palin had those disastrous interviews (look below). The Republican Party was in tatters after them, with people on the right calling for Palin to quit. You cannot recover from something as bad as that unless you take immediate corrective action, and your opponent has his own disastrous collapse. Neither of these happened.
The nation is not willing to put up with any more Bush-esque 'put your head in the sand and believe in people because you chose them and your judgement is sound' ridiculous ignorance. We want a leader who will make good choices first, and who will be willing to adjust to the situation to make sure to create the best outcome in the end. McCains defense of Palin just simply isn't fooling anyone.
Meanwhile, through all of this, Obama is out there winning hearts and minds, talking about policy, progress, and growth. He's concerned with the direction the country is taking, but it helps to not be consumed by a failing campaign. McCain is still staggering around the ring from the knockout blow, not even sure where or when he was hit, losing track even of where up is.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Election 08
VP Debate
As we all know, she didn't. However, to have that low a bar is a terrible thing.
So, Sarah Palin had to prove that she could actually speak competently without looking like a fool, and she did that.
Senator Biden had to not kick her if she fell down, and he didn't.
Joe Biden helped his party, his ticket, and gave specific ideas, and restrained from constantly correcting Palins casual relation to facts. Sarah Palin simply did some damage control.
More whining from McCain;_ylt=Ar1QEoJAgTaVRXFNKYBMlITCw5R4
VP Debate looms, McCain whines
How can she claim to be partial when Obama is in the title of her book?
Why didn't she tell us earlier, why did she keep it a secret?
Well, all sarcasm aside, the title of her book does not indicate partiality either way. It obviously describes the story of how race and politics relate in the current political climate, a time when a black man, Obama, wins the nomination of a major US political party. To say that this is a topic that could not be covered impartially by a serious and respected journalist is ridiculous, until we factor in that Gwen Ifill is also black.
A serious and respected black journalist is incapable of being impartial regarding the first black presidential candidate, or so John McCain would have you believe.
“Frankly, I wish they had picked a moderator that isn’t writing a book favorable to Barack Obama — let's face it," McCain said on "Fox & Friends." "But I have to have confidence that Gwen Ifill will handle this as the professional journalist that she is. ..."Life isn’t fair, as I mentioned earlier in the program."
It's not that she will be professional, it's that he will have confidence in her. Please.Wouldn't this all be a lot less confusing if she had simply disclosed previously that she was writing the book? Well, she had.
"the PBS journalist said that Time magazine noted she was writing a book in August, and that it has been available for pre-sale on The book also is mentioned in a Sept. 4 interview she gave the Washington Post."
So, with both questions answered, we're just left with John McCain whining, desperate for anything to save him from the impending disaster that is the VP debate tonight.
The Map
Here's my predictions as of today:
Battlegrounds: (race is within 3 pts)
Ohio 20, North Carolina 15, Virginia 13, Indiana 11, Missouri 11, Nevada 5,
75 votes up for grabs
Before results from the battlegrounds we have Electoral Vote breakdown:
Obama: 300 McCain: 163
If McCain takes all 6 he'd still only have 238. A far cry from 270.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Obama gains Florida!
He's up by 3 points in Virginia, 2 points in Ohio, and is now in the lead by a point in Florida!
CNN Polling data now projects the following breakdown of Electoral Votes:
Obama: 325 McCain: 180
*270 votes needed to win.
That's what I call momentum!
Palin doesn't even understand the questions
It's getting tough with Palin, the videos simply speak for themselves and truly don't require much commentary. The sheer stupidity exhibited, I'm speechless.
Katie Couric basically dares her to name 3 news sources she has followed to remain informed, and Palin thinks it's a question relating to Alaska being uninformed because it's far away. My God.
McCain babysits Palin with Katie Couric
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The witchcraft deal
Many American Christians are afraid of sorcery, witchcraft, magic, and demons. It is a part of their faith that these things exist. There is religious freedom in this country and they have a right to express those beliefs.
But I can call them crazy.
I have a question.
Sarah Palin, do you believe in witchcraft?
Do you believe that witches are, and or may cause harm to you, or the campaign using magic?
Does she think Wiccans are people to be feared?
Do you think witchcraft should be legal or illegal?
I hope someone else thinks to ask Sarah Palin these questions, I for one would be fascinated to find out her response.
Here's the famous video.
McCain on This Week: Sarah Palin doesn't speak for the McCain campaign
Saturday, September 27, 2008
This is the question asked by Palin support site It's snagged from the New Republic's site Here.
Here's the articles from Draft Sarah Palin for Vice President site.
It's like everyone on the right is shell shocked by Palin's apparent collapse. The question of experience is what this is about. What Obama lacks in experience he makes up for with judgement, poise, and strength. He thrives under pressure and trusts his instincts, and his education. Palin apparently wasn't much of a follower of real world national politics at all, and therefore really doesn't know what is even going on now. She is very well versed on issues facing Alaskans, but that's all that is there. She is a one trick pony, and I just hope that personally she will be able to deal, emotionally, with being such a giant embarrassment.
I mean really, it's a whole new level of arrogance. This is the real world, not a Disney movie.
I have to watch those puppies below again now. They are just too cute! I love em.
Obama is gaining momentum
Real Clear Politics
What I think is particularly telling is if you look at the history of polls going back to January, McCain will occasionally get a bump and take the lead for a few days, but just can't keep it up. Obama consistently polls as the winner. Not that it won't be a close election, but that so far is the over all trend.
The McCain campaign really seems on the verge of total breakdown. His judgement was questioned during the Savings & Loan scandal (Keating 5)back in the day, though he was exonerated of any wrongdoing, and we're seeing the fruits of his judgement again today.
Women against Sarah Palin
Pretty self explanatory. I guess Palin is not doing as well with Clinton supporters as McCain hoped.
Story was picked up by the this past tuesday.
Guardian Article
Get out of my city!
Absolutely pathetic.
At least Rudy Giuliani was here on 9/11. That's why I forgave him, a little, using 9/11 as a political tool.
You madam do not get to.
Doing some math
I was just going over the electoral math, and here's what I got.
All based on current polling.
Early results in Virginia are going to be nice.
If Virginia goes Obama it's game over.
Obama doesn't need Ohio, Florida, or Nevada if he clinches Virginia, but a landslide victory would be nice to see for a change.
If Virginia goes McCain, Obama needs Ohio or Florida, but not Both.
Nevada doesn't really help anyone, but to lose it would hurt.
Polling in Virginia is tight, having Obama up by %1.8
I'll be watching Virginia this November. It could be the whole election.
Paul Newman Dies
Thank you for all your hard work and generosity of spirit.
You'll be missed.
Friday, September 26, 2008
McCain saved his ruined week, and Obama stood his ground on foreign policy.
I'm an Obama supporter, and I think he achieved his campaign goals for the debate while McCain seemed to just be trying to maintain without any gaffes, so I'm calling it for Obama.
However, a very interesting tidbit was in the post game. I switched to NBC and caught Senator Biden's post game, and right after, Brian Williams mentioned how although Governor Palin was invited, she declined to be interviewed. Maybe she had to stay in and study for next week.
Oh, now Biden's on CNN. Oooooh, don't hold your breath. Palin gets smacked down by Anderson Cooper. Ouch. She ran away from CNN too!
Man, it must suck to have chosen a VP candidate who's scared to talk to reporters. I've shown some poor judgement in the past, but then again I've never asked anyone to vote for me for President.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sarah Palin
Well, we all now know the resume.
"She was on the Wasilla, Alaska, city council from 1992 to 1996 and mayor from 1996 to 2002. After an unsuccessful campaign for lieutenant governor of Alaska in 2002, she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004. She was elected governor of Alaska in November 2006""
*stolen from Wiki article for ease
As a side note, the majority of the experience was as mayor. Wasilla AK according to the 2000 census had a population of just over 5000. Building managers in skyscrapers are responsible for more people than that. Maybe she should run for building manager to fluff her resume.
Here's something not enough people have seen.
The question that we have to ask is; If Palin were running for President, would you vote for her?
What if the race was:
Obama v Palin
Biden v Palin
Clinton v Palin
Hilton v Palin
McCain v Palin
I understand that there is a lack of able bodied Republicans these days, but her resume and public statement (have there been more than 1 yet? *jk) show less about her, and more about McCains judgement. He let the people who he's supposedly been fighting in his own party decide his VP pick, meekly accepting their demands and selling his soul for the votes of his "base".
He would be the oldest President this country has ever seen, yet doesn't care that not only could Sarah Palin become the President in case of something happening to him, but she has already been catapulted to the Republican Party Leadership. She is now and forever a Republican national figure and de facto party elder. A player now. A candidate tomorrow.
This is not a Maverick move, it's a desperate duct tape move by a man who can't stand up to those he is supposed to lead. Well, if Medvedev gets tough in negotiations, he could always send in Palin. She was his neighbor.